Monthly Newsletter Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers Lebanon, TN March 10, 2024
Meeting Conducted By: Rich Patterson
Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove
Number in Attendance: 10 Visitors: 1
Old Business:
New Business:
The following upcoming events were announced. For the latest information on these events, go to the club website and look under the "Events" tab.
Classes and Workshops -- 2024
Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup (caricature carving) -- Fiddlers Grove -- March 18-22
Bill Johnson (chip carving) -- Leipers Fork -- May 16-18, 2024 ($180 registration fee plus the cost of the blank)
Central Indiana Woodcarvers Roundup (wide variety of carving styles) -- June 6-8 ($15 registration fee plus the cost of the blanks and lodging)
Granville -- 2024
April 13th -- Mayberry Lucy Day
May 4th -- Cornbread and Moonshine
May 25th -- Heritage Day
Note: The club participates in these events as artisians and they also fulfill part of our community service initiative. Since these events are, in part, grant supported, the club also receives a small stipend for our participation which helps fund our Christmas Party.
Other Events -- 2024
Springfest at Fiddlers Grove -- May 4th -- Note: This also coincides with one of the Granville dates
Wilson County/State Fair -- August 15-24
Wilson County Bank Oktoberfest -- October 19-20
Note: The club participates in these events as artisians and also fulfills part of our community service initiative. Since we receive space to hold our meetings at Fiddlers Grove at no cost to us, we help the Fiddlers Grove folks by participating in some of their events. The Wilson County Fair is, by far, the biggest event for us.
Show & Tell
Note: The newsletter will have "show and tell" items from both the February and March meetings -- first the carvings from the March meeting.
Four members and one guest had items to show at the meeting. First, John had a group of Gnomes with one being a toothpick holder. He gave out patterns and templates for the toothpick holder.
Rob had 10 tootsie roll lollipops that he carved out of basswood and painted with acrylic paint. One of the lollies had a bite taken out of it!
Jon displayed two items. First, his completed angel from Gene's class that was painted with watercolor paint. Next was a "love" spoon carved out of maple and colored with a light stain
Rich had two Christmas ornaments -- the pinecone ornament was carved out of basswood and painted with acrylic paint. The organimi star was basswood and finished with boiled linseed oil infused with oil based raw sienna paint.
Lastly, Phil brought his daughter as a guest and she displayed flowers that she made out of tapioka root for her wedding. She also discussed how she made coasters out of felt that had designes made with wool poked into the felt with a needle.
Show and Tell from the February 2024 Meeting
First, Clark had three carvings that were carved out of cottonwood bark.
Next, John had four caricatures that he carved.
Willie carved a lighthouse that was set on rocks.
Brenda displayed a stocking Christmas ornament that she carved.
Rob carved a squirrel and a woodpecker.
Lastly, Gene displayed a carved and painted rabbit.